It is possible that the process water is still not completely germ-free at this point in time. For example, the water could have been contaminated with germs during the pre-treatment by activated carbon filtration. The last step in water treatment is the disinfection of the process water.
This can be done in a number of ways. With UV sterilization, the water is irradiated with UV light and thus sterilized. The electrodeionization takes place in a so-called EDI module, which carries out the desalination of the water with the help of an electrical field. With the help of ion exchangers, desalination takes place using a mixed-bed resin.
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Further information about the various disinfection options please read click on the individual sub-items .
Post-Treatment Accessories
Search for consumables or other accessories for post-treatment, such as ion exchange resin or UV lamps , then please follow this link: Accessories aftertreatment